When you think of the things that you want to accomplish typically you can get in your own way!

Maybe it’s not knowing where to start

Maybe it’s not feeling good enough

Maybe it's feeling like you don't have enough time

Maybe it’s procrastination

Whatever it is the sooner that you realize it’s time for a change the better!

I have been studying energy modalities for the last two years and by far emotional freedom tapping (EFT) is one of my absolute favorites.

Tapping works to release resistance, negative energy and helps to raise your vibrations making you a match to attract what you want! 

The best part is you instantly feel a shift when tapping.

As a coach, I love helping women just like you identify what they want out of their life.

More importantly, I love helping them bring it to fruition.

But first, you have to believe it's available for you and EFT helps you to do just that!

The benefits of EFT include:

EFT builds courage. 

EFT builds resilience.

EFT combats negativity.

EFT decreases your stress.

EFT up-levels your energy.

EFT gives you a sense of empowerment.

EFT reduces physical and emotional pain.

EFT gives you the deep-seated belief you need to go after your goals with confidence and intention.

Truly the benefits are endless......

If this doesn't excite and inspire you I don't know what will!

Honestly, EFT is all the rave with some of the world's most successful and healthy people, not just because it's a fad or because they want something to do, but because they recognize the benefits and know it's LIFE CHANGING. 

And now seeing the results of EFT in my personal life and with my clients I think everyone should be incorporating this into their daily routine.

That's why I decided to offer you something super special!



This is my highly asked about
3 Day EFT for Productivity Mini-Course!

During these 3 days, we focus on mindset.

With the intention to focus on creating positive beliefs that support you and release blocks that stop you from achieving what you desire.

Each day you will have a new video sent straight to you. It’s a positive message to support you on your productivity journey.

The best part is this training was made with you in mind so the sessions are simple and definitely can fit into an already busy schedule!

If you’re tired of hoping, wishing and waiting, and ready to create a major transformation in your life this is where you need to be!

The biggest mistake we make is that we do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. 

But what got you where you are, won't get you where you want to be.

So if you want something different you MUST do something different.

Join us now for only $77 $37 and increase
your productivity and your success!

This 3 day EFT for Productivity is so transformational, but don't just take it from me.
See what my clients have to say about it!

  • OMG is all I can say. I love EFT now. I am questioning how I ever lived without it! Thank you Dr. Nicolya for introducing me to EFT! I now have been sharing this amazing tool with everyone!!!

    — Diana B.

  • This three day challenge changed everything for me. I actually believe that I can be productive and because of this I now do EFT EVERY. SINGLE. DAY and it has been a major transformation in my life!

    — Jenny

 Within 2 hours of the first session, my client was already able to knock off some BIG tasks from his to-do list!

Here's what he DM'd me!

Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 12.13.21 pm.png

This training will help you step into the next level BOUNDLESS
version of who you truly are!

It's that transformative #period

Plus when you sign up today you will receive a FREE additional EFT tapping session for success so this makes it a no-brainer to join us!

Trust me when I say this is a decision your future self will be grateful that you made!

So what are you waiting for?

Hi! I’m Dr. Nicolya.

I am a 12X Best Selling Author and certified in Human Design, EFT, Hypnotherapy & Neurolingistic Programming.

As a Transformational coach, I love to help busy women get in touch with who they truly are and in turn design a life they desire & deserve.

When not spending time on my business I enjoy spending time with my children, reading, and writing.

You can connect with me across the social media platforms @nicolyawilliams