What are the levels of consciousness?

Today we're going to talk about the levels of consciousness, which is an amazing tool created by Dr. David Hawkins. Please note this graphic was my version and recreation of it and NOT created by Dr. Hawkins. I absolutely love this concept because the truth is we strive to evolve and grow and expand in every areas of our lives. In fact, we are made to grow.

But it's often very challenging to grow in those areas that require us to look within and to develop a heightened level of consciousness, of spiritual consciousness. And Dr. David Hawkins created a consciousness scale which explains this way more in depth and also helps us to better see, like where we're at and how we can move to a greater level of consciousness.

So the history behind that is he experienced several life altering events throughout his life. And after each event, he noticed a change in his overall state of consciousness. Sometimes there will be a lower frequency ego based focus. Right. Or other times he would have a higher state of love and bliss where he felt constantly connected. His experience really intrigued him, and it prompted him to want to pursue understanding how and why these different changes occurred and how his discoveries could assist the whole collective.

He wanted to consider how he could give this back and teach other people about it as well. Now, the levels of consciousness is a well known scale. Other well known leaders in the psychology, spirituality, coaching, counseling, have now refined and used Dr. Hawkins scale as a starting point for their own methods.

So if you're looking at this, the lower levels of consciousness include shame, guilt or hate, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, and pride in these levels are the most painful that we experience. And it is a pain that these levels create that actually drive us to that deep desire to understand, to have that deeper understanding, and to have that inner growth. And Dr. Hawkins explains and describes these lower levels of consciousness as those levels that are ego dominated. Okay. And this is often where we're thriving on survival mode.

A really interesting fact that blew me away when I read it, is that there's a ton of research done that a good amount of music today actually calibrates below the 200 level. Courage is right at 200. And a lot of music today actually calibrates below that. It then it leads to behavior associated with lower levels of consciousness. So, for example, they've seen a direct correlation between rap and anger. And it’s not just music.

A lot of movies will weaken people who watch them by bringing their energy levels down below that same 200 level of consciousness. It’s important to be conscious and aware of this.

So the lower levels are that ego based place, and the upper levels are that essence based place. Those lower levels are really painful, whereas those higher levels actually allow you to expand, allow you to move into that state of essence, allow you to grow.

So if you're looking at this scale, one of the biggest mistakes that I see that people make is I see that people because we live in the space where toxic positivity is norm. Where it's like, okay, I feel really embarrassed about something. Everyone's like, okay, tomorrow is a new day. The sun will come out after the storm or whatever it may be.

so we never allow ourselves to get in touch with our true emotions. We always try to circumvent them. And here's the reality. We are humans, and we are made to feel things. In fact, our emotional scale is a spectrum. Therefore if we tell ourselves that we are only ever going to feel peace, joy, love, enlightenment, reason, acceptance, all of those things, we're never going to allow ourselves to feel those emotions that we can actually learn from.

What I see far too often is somebody might feel a low emotion like fear. And they move from fear to they try to jump from fear to reason or fear to enlightenment. And it may wonder why. This is not sustainable, and you will find that your shadows keep rearing their ugly heads because you have not addressed that part of you that needed healing to really be able to create the sustainable next level version of you.

I love the levels of consciousness tool so much because I not only use it personally, but I use it with clients. I find it incredibly an extremely powerful resource and reference tool to understand where someone is currently on this scale and what can be done to move them up the scale. In his book, Power Versus Force, Hawkins actually explains that we are born into a human body. And with that human body, there is another layer, which is that ego layer.

When looking at the scale the light pink areas are essentially us operating from force, where as the mauve colored ones are us operating from power. David Hopkins has a book called Power Versus Force, which is such a good read. In this book, he talks about the difference between operating from force and operating from power. Force is, again, that desperate energy where as power is operating from aligned energy.

But we can move away from that ego layer and move to the higher tiers, to that essence layer. Which explains the law of vibration. Are you familiar with the laws of the universe?

We talk about the law of attraction all the time, and the law of attraction is great, but I get frustrated when people watch the documentary or read a book or whatever, and they think they know everything about it, and it's missing major components. There's twelve laws of the universe with one of them being the law of vibration. The law of vibration actually states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of movement. And we refer to these movements as vibrations. So in order to manifest anything into your life, you must first match the vibration of what it is that you're looking for. So if you want to manifest more fear, match the vibration of fear, you'll call more of that in.

If you want to manifest the vibration of acceptance, match the energy of acceptance, and you'll call more of that in. All in all you attract not what you want. You attract who it is that you are. You are only going to attract to yourself the energy that matches up with the energy you're vibrating at. So this is why, when I learned about this tool, this is why I was so blown away, because it is so powerful for so many reasons. So let's talk about essentially, how do you move yourself up the levels of consciousness scale to be able to create and call in the things that you want to be able to call in.

  1. Rest- Really taking care of your body, restoring your body. There's another law called the law of rhythm. There's tons of rhythms in our lives. There are seasons and weeks and all of the things, but our body also has rhythms, too. So if you notice your body calling you to rest, give yourself that permission, because it allows you to restore, rejuvenate, and come back so refreshed and ready to take on your next task.

  2. Act Consciously-I always say it's better to be Proactive than reactive. And too many of us are walking around being reactive to the things that are happening in our lives instead of being Proactive and consciously preparing and planning for the things we want to call in awaken. So I would challenge you to become more aware of what's going on inside of you, inside of others, and inside of the world. Because the more awakened you are, the more you can shift things that aren't working for you.

  3. Live mindfully- So start to pay attention to your thoughts and your feelings slow down. Because here's the thing. When we stay too far in the past, depression is starts to surface. When we move too far in the future, anxiety begins to surface. And trying to balance those two is exhausting. A great way to be mindful is to get in touch with your senses. One of the things that I like to do is I do a 54321 activity, but I do it with my senses, which allows me to be here in the moment and get in touch with my senses. So I'll say, what are five things that I see around me? What are four things that I feel? So maybe I feel my pants or I feel the chair, or I feel a table or whatever. What are three things that I hear? What are two things that I taste? What is one thing that I smell? This allows me to tune in. And the great thing is I can do this wherever I'm at, but it allows me to tune into the right here and right now and be in touch with my reality and not too far in the future and not too far back in the past.

  4. EFT aka Tapping. I have an entire playlist on youtube if you want to get started. If you notice yourself vibrating at one of the lower energetic frequencies, so let's say you're vibrating at anger, you could use tapping, which is emotional freedom techniques, as a tool to really tap out that negative anger and to tap in positive suggestions to get you feeling high vibe. The best part is that the results of EFT happen really quick.

  5. Gratitude- Gratitude is one of the highest energetic frequencies you could possibly vibrate at. And I love gratitude so much because it is the law of attraction. What you think about is what you attract. Essentially, we become a magnet for our thoughts. If you vibrate at gratitude level and you think about your things that you're grateful for. What are you naturally going to attract more things to be grateful for. So I challenge you to create a gratitude list or jar that allows you to tune into what you’re grateful for.

  6. Go out in nature-This is a great grounding practice and tool, which, again, allows you to be mindful, and it brings you home to yourself.
    And you don't have to be some fancy, like, nature guru. You could literally walk outside barefoot or go on a walk. You will be surprised how impactful both of these things are.

  7. Journaling-Journaling allows you to really process your thoughts, what's on your mind, and prevents you from having to harbor and hold all of those heavy emotions. Because if you think of a pop bottle, we shake a pop bottle up, and then we try to open it. It's going to naturally explode. It's the same thing with our emotions. We're harboring all of these emotions, and every time we think of something, it's essentially shaking our body up. Then eventually we have our own unique versions of explosion, crimes of anger, resentment, isolation, all of these things. Whereas if you ever shake a pop bottle up, what you should do is you should sit it down and then slowly release the top, letting those bubbles slowly come out. That's what journaling is. Journaling lets you slowly release the bubbles to slowly get what's on your chest and your heart out.

  8. Hypnosis- Hypnosis is one of my favorite tools as well. That's why I certified people in Hypnosis and EFT inside of The ELEVATE Method, because I have personally experienced how transformational these tools are. Hypnosis creates a hyper awareness which leads to an altered state of consciousness. So the more aware you are, the more you actually create, you actually heal that part of yourself on a subconscious level, not on a conscious surface level, but on a subconscious level and then you can alter the state of consciousness.

  9. Shadow work- Shadow work is difficult, but that's really where you're healing those shadows. Those things that you don't want to confront, those things that you don't want to face that will naturally help you to be able to move up. Because with confronting your shadows, you're also learning and growing with each of those experiences are supposed to teach you. And then as you heal that part of yourself, you can move to that next level version of yourself, activate your senses.

  10. Setting Goals- Your subconscious mind is much like a robot so it’s important you set your intentions on what you want to achieve so that your subconscious mind has something to move toward. We often feed our subconscious mind things we don’t want this is your chance to feed it with the things you do want.

    I am saying this from a place of love: Where you are currently is a direct reflection of what you have allowed yourself to believe previously. How are you spending your time? What are you watching? What are you listening to? What are you allowing yourself to believe? What environments are you in? Who are you around

    This energy and consciousness work is powerful. So I want you to consider what energetic frequency are you currently vibrating at. You can likely notice this by reflecting on what you see in your external world currently. Now I want you to consider what you want to do in order to shift that frequency.

    The number one takeaway that I want you to understand Is that your thoughts create the world that you experience and moving up the consciousness scale is a process of learning how to respond to the events in the world with better thoughts. And I want you to know that you are more than capable of doing that. You have so many tools at your fingertips that you can start to access that you can start to use that you can start to leverage and when you do, you are going to notice a massive transformation that takes place and you'll notice this that you can begin to create the life that you desire and deserve.


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