Dr Nicolya Williams

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Should I Write Daily?

As a coach I help women write books every single day and I love doing it. I get the blessing of seeing people transform their lives through writing. One question I often get is how do I get into the habit of incorporating writing into my life. Starting a new habit is tough and so you want to be very strategic about your response and approach to this. So let’s talk about it…..Is it better to write every day or to track your word count?Let me preface this by saying that there is no right or wrong answer to this question. It comes down to what works for you, but I want to share my personal opinion and the justification behind it. I believe that it is better that you write each day and build it into your schedule. That is why I implement the power hours. If you make writing an integral part of your day then it begins to feel weird when you do not write. If you focus only on the word count then once you hit that number of words you will likely stop writing. If you want to make the new normal, writing the best strategy is to write each day. This will have a better outcome in the end!If you want to talk about how to get your book written with a strategy that works sign up for a FREE call here: https://calendly.com/nicolyawilliams/15minIt's time to live out your dreams!